Semalt Expert Answers On How To Get To The Top Of The Search Engines Thanks To Link Building

Important in determining the ranking of a particular site for a keyword, I would say without thinking twice - links! On the face of it when saying "links" it creates an initial association of a very simple, easy-to-perceive element, which does not require forethought, but the opposite is true. Proper planning of a link building strategy can be the factor that will ultimately determine where your site will be placed in the organic results.

The same strategy should address some significant points in the process: how and where internal links will be placed, how external links are obtained while emphasizing quality and types, anchor text to be used, where to remove links from the site (if any), and more.

In this article, we will address several points that will explain from A to Z how to develop an effective linkage strategy. Also, before developing any strategy for your site, it is essential to know its status... We invite you to check the status of your website for free using a powerful tool.

Why is link building so important?

Links are, among other things, the indicator, according to which the importance of web pages in the eyes of search engines and Google, in particular, is determined. They can be said to be the kind of trust votes reserved for a particular intention and recommendation. Without this recommendation, it is difficult for search engines to understand the connection between the various pages - whether they are pages on external sites or internal pages on one site.

When page A points to page B with text X it can actually be interpreted as "I think page B is relevant to topic X". This is, of course, the ideal and in practice, things look a little different. One example of a situation that is not "natural" is the sale of links that can sometimes also lead to collective punishment.

Dividing the world of links into types

It is not difficult to understand how the set of links works, but at the same time, it is important to understand that it contains many subtleties that require a reference. To this end, we will first try to understand what the existing types of links are and what each type means. I am of course not talking here about sponsored links because it is a whole world in itself and is not included in the link building process.

Internal links

A link will be read internally if it links from page A to page B (or to any part of page B. For example: give a particular title on the page) when these two pages are under the same domain. Their purpose is to assist the surfer in more convenient navigation between the pages of the site by referring to relevant content that the site owner recommends, in the context of the page on which he is located.

External links - inbound links

These are links that point to a page on your site (internal page or homepage) from an external site that sits on a different domain. This parameter gets a lot of weight because an external link actually expresses an external site recommendation on your site. It is very important to get as many quality external links as possible and it is recommended to pay attention to a few highlights that I will talk about later.

Inbound links

It is a bit confusing because the reference is actually to an inbound link to some page whether it is from an external site or an internal page on your site. There are those for whom inbound and external links are the same thing, but this is not accurate because it can be said that an inbound link can also be internal. By the way, some would argue that an inbound link from a subdomain is an external link (because a subdomain is considered a type of independent site), I am not sure about the claim and in my opinion, and its power is smaller.

Outbound links

Any link that links from a page on site A to a page on external site B is considered outbound (because it "takes" the surfer out of the site). It is important to maintain a reasonable amount of outbound links from the page so that the rest of the links on the page are not lost or in the worst case - the entire site will be suspected as one large link farm. Many people refrain from removing links from the site due to the fear of losing surfers or reducing their power in the eyes of Google.

Anchor Text

This is the name of the text that appears in the link itself. Why is it so critical? Because this is actually the indication for Google how you recommend the site you are linking to (or rather - in which keywords).

Here are some important rules to keep in mind:

The relevance of the text 

The phrase in the link must be relevant to the topic of the page to which it refers. That is if I refer to a specific page that deals with car insurance, it is better to indicate this in the link text instead of just writing "click here".

Link Relevance 

The two linked pages must be thematically linked to each other (and preferably the sites as well). An example of irrelevance: a link from a page that deals with event gardens that leads to a website about vehicles.

Reasonable length of anchor text

It is often recommended that the number of words in the link should not exceed 4. The truth is that the number makes a lot of sense, is it not possible to describe everything in 4 words or less?


It is not always recommended to link with the same anchor text but to try to vary. For example - if you have an X website that deals with Internet marketing, you can use combinations: X Internet marketing, Internet marketing with X, information about Internet marketing, etc. This is because if there is a regular text that leads to a particular page, it can look a bit suspicious and unnatural.

Matching the text to the page 

It is recommended to select the phrase you want to target in the link according to the focus of the current page. For example: if the page you want to link to contains the title «Event Gardens in the South", then it should also be the phrase that appears in the link itself and not just "Event Gardens" (of course assuming "Event Gardens in the South" is an expression you want to target at all and you have a page Dedicated landing for him).

How do you even get links?

There are many ways to get them and you can check out our blog for articles that focus on the best ways to get free external links. In addition, you can always contact a site that deals with your topic for an exchange with him. If you do, it's important to make sure that the page you want the link to really contribute to and that deals with a relevant topic. It is not recommended to write a letter and distribute it as a template to any site found on the net. Instead, create a neat list of sources, noting the strength and quality of the link on each site and be prepared to sacrifice for some even more than one link in return (there are quite a few such cases, it is important to understand the value you get). The main part of this section is a deep understanding of the value you get for the link because there are quite a few people who will convince you that their site is very high quality.

Do's and don'ts in link building

As I said before, the right link building process must be done accurately and planned, and by no means should you shoot in all directions and settle for anything that comes near. Many site promoters scatter links on dozens of sites with no thematic connection and sometimes run the risk of various black hat techniques (for example Link Farm), which can eventually cause harm to the site in the long run. Since there are several "traps" and highlights to consider, I have summarized here some rules of thumb:

One-way versus reciprocal linking 

It is always advisable to try to get a one-way and non-reciprocal link (I will link to you and you to me). It's pretty hard to get them especially because no one wants to "come out a sucker" so this will be the last option. Try to visit the sites of regular acquaintances or readers (if you have a blog) and just ask for a link. If they respect you, there is no reason why they should not agree as long as it does not run counter to their link building strategy.

Triangular, square and more

If the choice is a reciprocal link or nothing, then you should go for a reciprocal but not directly but through another factor. When the link is between your page and his page it has much less weight than the case where page A (you) links to page B, page B links to page C (he) and page C links back to you to A. 

The recommendation is to be at the top of the "chain of links", ie to get the link directly from the site and not from the intermediary (which is usually weaker). There is a lot of talk about Google's algorithm detecting triple exchanges of this kind, so I recommend doing this a single number of times and not becoming a significant routine in the link building process.

Static vs. Transverse

 I argue that in some cases a link from text that appears on any page (one), has more value than a link that will appear on all pages on the same site. This is because it looks more natural and more relevant to the user and therefore will also gain more weight.

Beware of Selling Links

Around 2005, there was a technique known as Google Bowling, which could harm competing sites. You would just buy on a particular site Site-Wide links that point to your competitor, the site was suspected of selling links and so he was punished and also the site to which he (your competitor) referred.

As I wrote in the previous section, filters of this type are already applied, but sales of any kind still significantly endanger the site from being punished in rankings and in more serious cases - deletion from Google's index.

Link density on the page

The more links there are on a particular page, the smaller the relative strength of each one and therefore will contribute less to the site to which it refers. When identifying a quality source, make sure that there are not many links on the same page, so that you can get the most out of your link.


We have therefore just developed a few focal points that you should focus on if you plan to effectively promote your website through link building.

To understand more on this subject, Semalt invites you to discover the best SEO tools that will allow you to reference and promote your website in the blink of an eye. 

Do you need the assistance of a professional in SEO or to promote your business on the Internet? Do not hesitate to contact us directly.